Thursday, 21 August 2014

Hasta Luego Panama

More friendship memories!

I think the Panama blues are out of my system for a while because I HAVE A JOB…Which means I can afford to go back!!

Anyway, so I’m down to the last few of the lovely people I became friends with along the way that I’ll hopefully be seeing again before too long!

I’ve mentioned my girls I taught English to before, but for anyone that wants the most adorable Spanish exchange student(s) for a week or two, let me know! Hopefully the girls will come over to visit me and get even better at Irish-English (not American-English) some day! I’m following the two (Alejandra and Anayansi) on Instagram and the pics since I’ve left remind me time and time again why Panama is such a great place- people appreciate their parents, siblings and friends and so proud of it it’s lovely. We could do with more of that!

Me, Anayansi and Alejandra

The girl’s Mammy Anayansi is the reason I got my insight into a lot of what Panama is all about! She involved me in everything and loved hearing about me and my life in Ireland. She took me off with her to the Robot Expo in Panama that Anayansi was competing at and I got to go to my very own ‘Quince Anos’- Alejandra’s 15th Birthday party! An evening in their house was even spent playing Just Dance! So cute!

Mammy Anayansi

Juanita was my nurse in the health centre and I always thought her name was spelled Gwanita… oops! This special lady facilitated my whole project and made it the most enjoyable place to be heading for recruitment every morning! Even though at the start our understanding of each other was pretty poor she had the patience of a saint and even called her son in to help us out. I’ve been wearing the ear rings she gave me ever since I got back. I was so proud to be able to present my results to her cheering me on when we finished up in May. When I get back she promises me I’ll be able to find her in the new health centre they’re moving into!

Juanita and I

I have to give my ‘CrossFit Gym’ place White Lion and Jhon a mention too… never in my life have I sweat so much and felt so welcome in what’s usually a fairly intimidating environment.  Jhon was such an encouraging trainer and really pushed me while I was at the gym…and also spent the time teaching me even though he knew I was leaving before too long. I looked forward to going every evening and could spend hours there having the craic sweating it out. And the punch bag definitely got its fair dues some nights too when I needed it! Boxing should be a form of therapy! The other people that used the gym like Herson, Nerys, Yamy and Rufino were exceptional, camaraderie is what the place was all about!  Jhon and I had a funny finish-up at the end but that’s another story I’ll be saving from the realms of the internet!

The gym crew, Jhon is in the front row in a blue shirt

Julissa was my swimming pool friend, she was so cute and always talked to me whenever we were both there, she helped her mum in restaurant belonging to the pool but always came over to chat and ask me questions, Julissa helped me learn Spanish and lots more besides!

The San Blas Islands is a place I'll never forget, nor will I forget Branden, Germain or Kevin from Carti Homestay.  
Branden is the most incredibly zen Texan ever who's essentially woofing on the islands, humbly sharing his knowledge of the Kuna culture that he's become an expert in since he's learned their language. 
Germain and Kevin are an uncle-nephew team. Kevin grew up in La Chorrera (small world!), he's 17, studying tourism and has a soft spot for German girls. While Germain, his uncle is the brains of the operation. I got very luck to be put in touch with Germain through an Irish girl I met in Panama, but Germain also knew the director of the health centre Andréas so the stars collided and we were in his good books, especially since I spoke Spanish! We were treated like royalty and welcomed into Germain's home on the island, got the real-deal tour of the place and fell in love with its beauty as we were whisked from one island to another. 
When people love what they do it's hard for me not to love them.

Me standing beside Kevin and Germain is thte guy in the white shirt

Finally, my fantastic Panama experience would not have been possible without Odilia, my thesis supervisor. She's from La Chorrera but now lectures in Boston. What a hero. She was welcoming, supportive, encouraging and took very good care of us in both Boston and Panama. A role model and one of my girl power gals!

Shivs, Odilia and I

Panama, te amo y voy a regresar!