Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Caranavales be Cray Cray!

So last week it was Panama's national festival (like in Brazil or New Orleans), no work could be done so the only solution was to join the party!

I just cannot understand how the world doesn't flock to Panama for Carnavales...it. is. incredible. I feel like it's one of their best kept secrets!

For the whole five days of Carnavales there is water EVERYWHERE...

...Except in the toilets, it's hilarious. For the whole of Carnival finding a flushing toilet was a luxury, litres and litres of water pour down on the revellers while toileting is forgotten about. And showering, but in fairness you get pretty well cleaned from the hoses anyway.
In one place we had a working shower, but in the other place, Las Tablas, famous for throwing the best Carnavales party, the shower consisted of a bucket of water in a little outhouse in the back garden. Another reason to love Panama!

The party is just so fun!

Everyone gets involved  from little kids running around with water guns filled with FREEZING cold water to grannies and granddads out on the street getting soaked with the hose. Carnavales is the ultimate party no matter what age.

She be stylin'

And it's not like the Full Moon Party in Thailand where there's only one proper big night, EVERY night is a big night. And every day is a big day too. For five days straight we were in the 'discoteca' in the afternoon, taking a nap in the evening while the discoteca was closed and then heading back once it opened again that night and kept partying until it was day time again.

Usually my stamina fails me at around 3am in Ireland, but there's something about Panama, I survived the whole thing with very little sleep...well except one night when everyone was too lazy to move from the hammocks.

Our humble abode al fresco in Las Tablas

This was the view from our doorway in Penonomé, my favourite Carnavales town

The pictures just don't do it justice, nor my story telling skills, just come next year and experience it for yourself!

Ready to hit the road

'La Reina' There's a guy behind her holding the headpiece!

It's tradition for the kids to glam up for the occasion too

Downstairs at the Discoteca

Ron Abuelo, our good friend, Seco, no thanks!

Before we went home to recover for a few hours

One month in (time is flying by) and Panama hasn't disappointed, not once!

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