Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Panama Pool Poaching

Crystal clear pool, nom.

So a few weeks ago I went what's called 'Pool Poaching', or what I prefer to call 'Pool Crashing'.

I'd read about it on this guys blog where he gave instructions on exactly where the pool is in a few different hotels in the city and what to expect. He's since gone to even more pools that he gives the down-low on here. How convenient! I'll have to go for round two myself soon!

It was a great day's adventure!

I chose the Hard Rock Hotel pool since it boasted three jacuzzis with actual hot water in them (which is apparently rare in Panama).

Once in the lobby of the hotel I was up the elevator to AS2 where I strolled out onto the pool deck, casual as. I'd the bikini on underneath my dress and had my 'fancy bag' with me to look the part. I picked a free lounger and hopped into the pool straight away.

The place was pretty quiet and after a while I hopped into one of the free jacuzzis. It wasn't long before I had company. I had great chats with a Guatemalan guy (he must be minted was all I was thinking) who'd come for a bachelor's party. He introduced me to his friends and 'the Irish'- yep, one of his Guatemalan friends was GINGER! Couldn't believe it!

Better yet, I didn't have to worry about making up a room number as he foot the bill for my first Corona (yay). I let him in on my secret.  We had the chats with the lifeguard too, who was actually from La Chorrera (he didn't mind my crashing) so we'd loads to talk about!

The Guatemalan Bachelor's Party was headed to Casco Viejo for lunch and invited me but there was no way I was leaving the pool, it was so fancy!

The story's only beginning! 

The #nomakeupselfie timing was impeccable!

There was a group of people sitting where I'd left my bag, but when I went to move it they absolutely would not have me ousted from my place. This bunch was from the States and were gas craic. They looked about 30...but were actually all in their forties (why are they always so old?)...anyway, they were absolute gym boys, waxed chests and all and full of conversation. They were with two girls too that they'd picked up along the way! I had great guy conversation and watched as they took turns to chat up women by the poolside, it was great fun! I learned a few bits about the States too...Apparently the new norm for first dates in the States now is way beyond the casual kiss on the lips. And as for waxing chests? Total social norm too...yikes!

With these boys I had my first Corona Chilada (or Enchilada- at least that's what it sounds like), which is DEEELISH! It's a salt rimmed glass with lime soda that you add your Corona to, LOVE IT!

We were having the chats on the loungers when an employee came by and replaced the pool towel I was lying on for a fresh one, I definitely shouldn't have bothered bringing my own!

I felt like a Spanish pro as I made dinner reservations for the State-side boys. While some of the boys went souvenir shopping before they left I checked out their suite and had my first HOT SHOWER in two months...! I did not want to leave!

I don't think I've even been so excited about hot water!

Serious power shower!!!

I went to Arturo's hostel for the evening and had the craic arsing around on the skateboard, trying and failing to make any progress! Then at like half eleven I went back to the Hard Rock to check out the rooftop disco-bar with the State-side boys and two really nice Canadian girls they'd found in the mean time, they meant business! Anyway, the view from the bar was amazing!

The view from the roof-top bar

It was so different to my usual nights out here though, it was so European, there was no ass-dancing, was a bit stuffy and the crowd a bit old and the girls were all in heels!
I thought I'd leave at a respectable hour but on my way out I bumped into the Guatemalan fellas - the ass dancing crew, so much more fun! At this stage it was too late to get the bus back to La Chorrera so we stayed dancing and having the craic til half three...then I got a very 'interesting' taxi to the bus terminal and got back home before the sun rise- just about!

All in all, for a solo-adventure it wasn't half bad!

All lit up 

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