Thursday, 1 May 2014

Yucca, it's all Natural Baby!

From farm to fork, or the garden to the gob, I 'helped' to dig up the yucca.

The yucca is like a potato, but dare I say, better?!

It grows underground and the skin peels off it like paper, way easier than peeling a potato!
And did I mention you get to use a machete to dig it up?

It's very strange though because the tree is actually really tall and when the tree is felled the bark is cut up into chunks which act as the seeds for new yucca plants to grow from.

It's usually boiled and then fried before eating. Labhaoise tried it while she was in Panama and gave it the thumbs up, almost better than chips and definitely healthier!

It tastes kind of like a potato but sweeter and has a much more fibrous, stringy texture. It's usually eaten with ketchup too but can be eaten plain.

And Mama Rutí eats it with maple syrup, now I dare you to try that with a potato!?

So that is what they sell the machetes in the shops for, how could I have though of anything sinister?

It's one big root

Digging up the yucca

Yucca's papery skin

Some more yucca skins

The washed, raw yucca

The end product

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